Israel Launches Airstrikes on Yemen; Houthis Vow Retaliation

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Israel Launches Airstrikes on Yemen; Houthis Vow Retaliation

On Friday, Israeli, American, and British fighter jets carried out airstrikes targeting Yemen's capital, Sana’a, as well as Al-Hodeidah province in the west and Amran province to the north



Footage shared by activists on social media captured plumes of smoke rising over Sana’a, documenting a series of consecutive strikes




According to Houthi-affiliated media, eight airstrikes targeted the Haziz Central Power Station in the Sanhan district, one of the main electricity facilities in the capital. Reports indicated that three workers were injured and residential homes near the station sustained damage as a result of the bombing



Further airstrikes reportedly struck areas around Al-Sabeen Square in Sana’a during a massive demonstration in solidarity with Palestine. Al-Sabeen Square has served as a regular venue for Houthi-led public gatherings every Friday since the onset  the Gaza conflict



In addition, 12 strikes were said to have targeted Al-Hodeidah and As-Salif ports in western Yemen, while another 12 hit Houthi positions in the Harf Sufyan district of Amran province



The Houthi government in Sana’a

vowed to retaliate,

declaring that the attacks would not go unpunished and asserting its ability to defend Yemen



The group’s Supreme Political Council, the highest governing body within the movement, condemned the airstrikes as a blatant act of aggression and a serious escalation, accusing the U.S., U.K., and Israel of direct involvement



In an official statement, the council described the attacks as provocative and escalatory actions that require steadfastness, confrontation, and a firm response by all available means



The airstrikes come just one day after UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, visited Sana’a and held meetings with senior Houthi officials, including the prime minister, foreign minister, and the head of the prisoners' affairs committee, who is subject to U.S. sanctions


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