YEMEN: Houthis Tighten Restrictions on Wedding and Event Halls

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YEMEN: Houthis Tighten Restrictions on Wedding and Event Halls

The Houthi group has introduced new regulations governing the operation of wedding and event halls in areas under its control, marking a continuation of the tightening restrictions imposed on citizens over the past decade. These regulations have escalated in both frequency and severity in recent months



The directive, issued by the so-called "Ministry of Culture and Tourism" under the internationally unrecognized Houthi government, claims to be aimed at "regulating the operation of wedding and event halls." However, the move has sparked widespread controversy and discontent among the Yemeni public



The directive, distributed to the ministry's offices in Houthi-controlled provinces, included a set of conditions and regulations that emphasized the necessity of adhering to them when organizing events in function halls.


Chief among these conditions is the requirement to obtain prior authorization from relevant authorities, along with a ban on using venues for activities deemed contrary to local customs and traditions, or that violate public morals. Furthermore, event organizers must coordinate with local security and authorities to prevent any breaches or violations during events


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